Residency Experience
Once a year, students in the PhD in Global Leadership program are required to participate in on-campus residency weekends (also known as Immersion Weekends). These events are held at the Fort Wayne, IN campus in the spring and fall of each year and require Thursday afternoon through Saturday evening attendance.
These on-campus residency requirements are associated with critical points in the course progression to assure adequate progress is being made on development of research skills and critical analysis capabilities necessary to produce the dissertation. Residencies are structured to include seminars in current issues related to global leadership, lectures, guest speakers, and opportunities for students to interact with faculty concerning development of the qualifying paper and dissertation.
Workshop sessions typically cover topics such as quantitative and qualitative research, identifying the research gap, career development and publishing, academic writing, conference preparation, and global trends in both organizational management and academic administration.
Residency Requirements
Residency attendance is recorded and appraised as part of each student’s annual Academic Progress Review. To most accurately record a student’s attendance, the department utilizes a unit system, Residency Attendance Units (RAUs). Units are awarded according to specific periods of time. For example:
- Thursday evening: 1 RAU
- Friday morning: 1 RAU
- Friday afternoon: 1 RAU
- Saturday morning: 1 RAU
- Saturday afternoon: 1 RAU
A student must earn a minimum of 10 RAUs before they will be permitted to enroll in RES 8001: Qualifying Research Seminar. A total of 15 RAUs must be earned to complete program requirements. Only students currently enrolled in coursework during the session in which the Immersion Weekend occurs may attend.
Failing to Fulfill Residency Requirements
Residency is required by Indiana Tech and its accrediting body, the Higher Learning Commission, to fulfill PhD degree requirements. Therefore, students who are found lacking in RAUs will be required to earn the deficit units before completing the program. Students can earn more units by attending another residency weekend, or completion of an academic topic paper is also available for extenuating circumstances.
Academic Topic Paper
The student must submit an appeal to be considered for this option. Academic topic papers will be assigned only after it has been determined by the program director that no other option is available for the student to earn additional units.
If approved, the student will be given an individual writing project. The content will be related to topics presented during residencies the student did not attend. Specific subject matter is up to the discretion of the program director. The paper must be an original work in referenced, APA style.
- 10 accepted narrative pages = 1 RAU
These research projects will be reviewed on a pass/fail basis by an appeals committee.
If you have any comments or questions on residency requirements, please contact us at