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Qualifying Paper Rubric – Higher Education Administration

  • Identification of gap in global leadership scholarship

  • 10 points
    Thorough and in- depth critical thinking and appraisal of theories in the multidisciplinary area of global leadership scholarship to identify a gap in research.

    8-9 points
    Generally complete critical thinking and appraisal of theories in the multidisciplinary area of global leadership scholarship to identify a gap in research.

    6-7 points
    Acceptable critical thinking and appraisal of theories in the multidisciplinary area of global leadership scholarship to identify a gap in research.

    1-5 points
    Incomplete or superficial critical thinking and appraisal of theories in the multidisciplinary area of global leadership scholarship to identify a gap in research.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Proposal of a specific research area for further investigation

  • 10 points
    Thorough and in- depth contribution to the creation of empirical knowledge and theory development in the area of global leadership by proposing specific research for further investigation.

    8-9 points
    Generally complete contribution to the creation of empirical knowledge and theory development in the area of global leadership by proposing specific research for further investigation.

    6-7 points
    Acceptable contribution to the creation of empirical knowledge and theory development in the area of global leadership by proposing specific research for further investigation.

    1-5 points
    Incomplete or superficial contribution to the creation of empirical knowledge and theory development in the area of global leadership by proposing specific research for further investigation.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Potential research designs for project

  • 10 points
    Holistic understanding of global leadership is evident; the student thoroughly considers both global leaders and global followers and their interaction with and within complex global systems when discussing research designs for project.

    8-9 points
    Generally complete holistic understanding of global leadership is evident; the student generally considers both global leaders and global followers and their interaction with and within complex global systems when discussing research designs for project.

    6-7 points
    Acceptable holistic understanding of global leadership is evident; the student inconsistently considers both global leaders and global followers and their interaction with and within complex global systems when discussing research designs for project.

    1-5 points
    Incomplete or superficial holistic understanding of global leadership is evident; the student only superficially considers both global leaders and global followers and their interaction with and within complex global systems when discussing research designs for project.

  • Development of research questions or hypotheses

  • 10 points
    The student used unique approaches and skills to develop research questions and hypotheses for global leadership research.

    8-9 points
    The student used some unique approaches and skills to develop research questions and hypotheses for global leadership research.

    6-7 points
    The student used acceptable approaches and skills to develop research questions and hypotheses for global leadership research.

    1-5 points
    The student used superficial approaches and skills to develop research questions and hypotheses for global leadership research.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Empirically defining research variables

  • 10 points
    The student thoroughly demonstrated advanced skills through both written and oral communication in empirically defining research variables.

    8-9 points
    The student generally demonstrated advanced skills through both written and oral communication in empirically defining research variables.

    6-7 points
    The student inconsistently demonstrated advanced skills through both written and oral communication in empirically defining research variables.

    1-5 points
    The student superficially demonstrated advanced skills through both written and oral communication in empirically defining research variables.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Formulation of practical applications of research

  • 10 points
    Student thoroughly addressed global leadership challenges across diverse sectors, described action plans to advance organizational success, and considered standards of global leadership.

    8-9 points
    Student generally addressed global leadership challenges across diverse sectors, described action plans to advance organizational success, and considered standards of global leadership.

    6-7 points
    Student inconsistently addressed global leadership challenges across diverse sectors, described action plans to advance organizational success, and considered standards of global leadership.

    1-5 points
    Student superficially addressed global leadership challenges across diverse sectors, described action plans to advance organizational success, and considered standards of global leadership.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Final Presentation Grammar and Mechanics

  • 10 points
    Few to no surface errors; the errors that occur do not subtract from the meaning of the paper.

    8-9 points
    Surface errors are minimal.

    6-7 points
    Apparent surface errors that do not substantially interfere with the meaning.

    1-5 points
    Numerous surface errors that interfere with reading the paper.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Higher Education Core Analysis

  • 10 points
    Student conducted a thorough critical analysis of theories, research, and best practices about academic leadership and culture employed by individuals and organizations in higher education in the United States and globally.

    8-9 points
    Student generally addressed theories, research, and best practices about academic leadership and culture employed by individuals and organizations in higher education in the United States and globally with little critical analysis.

    6-7 points
    Student inconsistently addressed theories, research, and best practices about academic leadership and culture employed by individuals and organizations in higher education in the United States and globally with very limited critical analysis.

    1-5 points
    Student superficially addressed theories, research, and best practices about academic leadership and culture employed by individuals and organizations in higher education in the United States and globally with very no critical analysis.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Higher Education Processes

  • 10 points
    Student thoroughly addressed higher education legal processes, rights, responsibilities, duties and liabilities of faculty, administration, and students within the context of higher education.

    8-9 points
    Student generally addressed higher education legal processes, rights, responsibilities, duties and liabilities of faculty, administration, and students within the context of higher education.

    6-7 points
    Student inconsistently addressed higher education legal processes, rights, responsibilities, duties and liabilities of faculty, administration, and students within the context of higher education.

    1-5 points
    Student superficially addressed higher education legal processes, rights, responsibilities, duties and liabilities of faculty, administration, and students within the context of higher education.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Higher Education Trends

  • 10 points
    Student conducted a comparative study that thoroughly addressed current trends in higher education in the United States and globally.

    8-9 points
    Student conducted a comparative study that generally addressed current trends in higher education in the United States and globally.

    6-7 points
    Student conducted a comparative study that inconsistently addressed current trends in higher education in the United States and globally.

    1-5 points
    Student conducted a comparative study that superficially addressed current trends in higher education in the United States and globally.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • Confirmation

  • By entering your first and last name, you confirm that the information you have entered is accurate.
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