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PhD in Global Leadership

Generous Scholarships

Indiana Tech’s Ph.D. program offers generous scholarships that can save 20% off the cost of tuition. First responders, military service members and veterans, and those who work in higher ed are among the groups who are eligible.

Competitive Transfer Credit

Indiana Tech recognizes the value of prior learning, and will evaluate transcripts and other credentials to maximize transfer credit opportunities. All credits must have been earned within the past 10 years.

Upgrade Your MBA

The new Pathway to Ph.D. program enables students who have an MBA to transfer 15 credit hours of their MBA coursework toward a PhD in Global Leadership from Indiana Tech.

ABD Completion Program

The ABD Completion Program is designed for students who have started a doctoral program and are ready to complete it. Put your coursework and leadership skills to work in a way that allows you to achieve your educational and career goals.

5 Curriculum Options

The PhD in Global Leadership program offers five distinct curriculum options, as well as a post-graduate certificate in global leadership. All students complete core courses in research and global leadership. The concentration courses provide students the opportunity to gain practitioner knowledge and up-to-date best practices, which will be explored through individual research and the dissertation.

  • Business Administration (for MBA graduates only)
  • Global Health Leadership
  • Higher Education Administration
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership/Higher Education Administration

The College of Business at Indiana Tech has received specialized accreditation for its business program(s) through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member status page.
